Which learning theories and multimedia principles does Sketchnoting take advantage of? Sketch noting is to make notes with a rich variety of elements: handwriting, drawings, shapes, and visual signals. I think sketch noting takes advantage of Constructivist theory. Constructivist theory… Continue Reading →
When learning involves merely textbooks, powerpoint, and assignments, learning is about a series of requirements imposed on students, which makes learning discouraging and boring. However, the addition of gamification may change the situation. Gamification means inserting game-related elements into the… Continue Reading →
SAMR is the abbreviation of the four words: substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. It is more like a process of media improvement. At first, the media is used merely as a tool to replace the traditional one. Then, with the… Continue Reading →
Dr. Ray Pastore in his video follows the principles of split attention principle and coherence principle. According to split attention principle, it is not appropriate to combine texts and pictures because readers or audience need to check between texts and… Continue Reading →
This week , we talked about Augmented Reality which is really interesting for me, and I saw the video, the tutor has started by giving the history of Augmented Reality which was invented in the early 90’s by researchers Thomas… Continue Reading →
How is the concept of Neuromyths relevant in a class about online and multimedia learning? The concept of Neuromyths means that the widely recognized division of the left brain and the right brain is, in fact, untenable. Traditionally, it’s believed that the… Continue Reading →
Hello, my name is Xin Xie, you can call me Sail.I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in the Bachelor of Art program at the University of Victoria. This is my last semester in UVic. I hope to study with you… Continue Reading →
Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options: Do you want to be online vs. offline? Do you want to use your name (or… Continue Reading →
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