Which learning theories and multimedia principles does Sketchnoting take advantage of?

Sketch noting is to make notes with a rich variety of elements: handwriting, drawings, shapes, and visual signals. I think sketch noting takes advantage of Constructivist theory. Constructivist theory refers that students are the center of the course and they learn proactively rather than passively. Sketch noting is not to take every word and content from the teacher, by contrast, only when the students fully comprehend and absorb the knowledge can they make their own sketch noting. Students need to determine by themselves what the most important things are and the connections between different significant points. In this way sketch noting turns the passive learning into an active process.

The principles sketch noting adopts, in my opinion, are coherence principle and signaling principle. Coherence principle requires to present the most essential content. When students do the sketch noting, they have to decide what content is the most necessary and central. In the process of selection, they can not only understand the main idea of the course but also can have a deeper impression of the course content. Another principle is signaling principle. Signaling principle means that when important content is underlined or marked it can be remembered and understood better. In sketch noting, students are encouraged to add shapes, drawings, and visual signals. The creation of these elements actually requires the students to create, to think, to analyze the knowledge they have learned. The visual signals can present knowledge in a vivid way and thus benefit the learning process.

Blending Words & Images With Sketchnoting | The Teaching Factor
Photo from:https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/ATWC6XpmOoDnP55M2H53keqC332NiMXO1u3dP2a7yv2_xFD1M4-MMjs/


7. Topic: The Great Educational Technology Debate and End of ECDI 337 Class Wrap-up. (2021, June 17). EDCI 337: Interactive and Multimedia Learning. https://edtechuvic.ca/edci337/2021/06/17/7-topic-the-great-educational-technology-debate-and-end-of-ecdi-337-class-wrap-up/

2. Topic – How We Learn: Key Learning Theories. (2021, May 17). EDCI 337: Interactive and Multimedia Learning. https://edtechuvic.ca/edci337/2021/05/15/2-topic-how-we-learn-key-learning-theories/