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Author sail0603


Which learning theories and multimedia principles does Sketchnoting take advantage of? Sketch noting is to make notes with a rich variety of elements: handwriting, drawings, shapes, and visual signals. I think sketch noting takes advantage of Constructivist theory. Constructivist theory… Continue Reading →

ASSIGNMENT 4: Beginners guide to Mindmap

Pod 8 member: Xin Xie V00951489 Jiaqi Wang V00865212 Kaining Zhang V00950591 Xiaohan Chu V00971315 Documented lesson plan for our multimedia project: Lesson Plan:  This course will introduce Mind-mapping to students. The aim of the course is to introduce such… Continue Reading →

Blog #5 Comment

Hi, KainingThank you for sharing. I agree with you that games can stimulate students to master knowledge. In my opinion, if only textbook knowledge, it will only make students depressed and boring. Adding some games in the process of learning… Continue Reading →


When learning involves merely textbooks, powerpoint, and assignments, learning is about a series of requirements imposed on students, which makes learning discouraging and boring. However, the addition of gamification may change the situation. Gamification means inserting game-related elements into the… Continue Reading →

Blog#4 Comment

Hi, KainingThank you for sharing. I think your understanding of SAMR and SECTIONS are very clear. From your article, I understand the common ground of SAMR and SECTIONS, and I understand what is the best time to use SAMR or… Continue Reading →


SAMR is the abbreviation of the four words: substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. It is more like a process of media improvement. At first, the media is used merely as a tool to replace the traditional one. Then, with the… Continue Reading →

Assignment 3 – Multimedia Skills

In this blog, I will discuss how I can go back to my PowerPoint about climate change and how I can implement change by considering the principles and theories of multimedia learning. I will discuss some principles to improve my… Continue Reading →

Blog 3 comment

Hi,KainingAfter reading your blog, I agree with what you said about spatial and temporal contiguity. In the future, when I do my PPT, I will put the relevant words and images on the same page instead of separate pages, so… Continue Reading →


Dr. Ray Pastore in his video follows the principles of split attention principle and coherence principle. According to split attention principle, it is not appropriate to combine texts and pictures because readers or audience need to check between texts and… Continue Reading →

blog 2 comment

Hi,Kaining. I agree with you that there are many ways to show that multimedia and AR can work together. For example, augmented reality technology uses a device that can capture the visual effects of the real world. People can view… Continue Reading →

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